Monday, 20 June 2011


A sratching quiet rustling sound disturbed my thoughts,sat out in my hide,I investigated and found these Wasps borrowing into the end of an ash tree branch that supports my hide.I was over the moon that for once I could take an unusual capture and photo!!

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Life in the garden

well, not feeling that well yesterday, I had a lazy sit around day. Sat in the garden,enjoying the sunny spells,I was pleased to say I saw upwards of nine different types of Bee, all very busy flitting from flower to flower.
Noticed many flys and varius "bugs" mating in flight,some tail to tail,others taking a piggy back,I would have thought it easier to land to perform the act hahaha.
Also noticed the great number of flys that spent HOURS on anything plastic!they seemed too be feeding but off what I have no idea.